Texas law requires an armed officer at each school. Districts are asking lawmakers to pay the full yearly cost, which they say is $100 per student.
All tagged School Safety
Texas law requires an armed officer at each school. Districts are asking lawmakers to pay the full yearly cost, which they say is $100 per student.
DPS Troopers spoke with students about the importance of school safety and staying alert to social media threats.
As children prepare to head back to school this week, BPD would like to wish our students, teachers and staff a safe and successful school year.
Here are some tips to remind parents, students and everyday drivers to make sure this school year is a safe one.
Some requirements may be challenging for public schools to implement by the upcoming school year.
The provision to require an armed person at every school campus was added back into the bill during the negotiation process after the Senate took it out earlier in the session.
Over the summer break, the Bishop PD worked in close partnership with B. C.I.S.D administrators and staff to provide additional school safety resources, recommendations and training to help make our schools safer.