The collaboration aims to elevate Texas' weatherization workforce and improve service standards across the state.
All in Education
The collaboration aims to elevate Texas' weatherization workforce and improve service standards across the state.
The move comes a few weeks after the Texas A&M System issued a similar ban, which is being challenged in court.
Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, said Texas A&M is better positioned to grow the Victoria school and serve the region’s petrochemical and agriculture industries.
Amid a teacher shortage crisis, school leaders fear the restrictions will lead to fewer instructors in their classrooms.
Texas law requires an armed officer at each school. Districts are asking lawmakers to pay the full yearly cost, which they say is $100 per student.
A team of five faculty members from the College of Education and Human Performance at Texas A&M University-Kingsville received one of the highest honors bestowed by the Texas A&M University System.
Hegar, who currently serves as Texas comptroller, will replace A&M Chancellor John Sharp in leading the 157,000-student system.
House Bill 3 and Senate Bill 2 — the signature school voucher proposals filed this year by each lawmaking chamber — would qualify virtually any family in Texas to receive taxpayer dollars through state-managed education savings accounts to fund their children’s private school tuition.
The move potentially sets up a new First Amendment fight between students and university administrators.
To honor that famous photo and as a kickoff of the Centennial Year at Texas A&M-Kingsville, the public is invited to Manning Hall, 910 W. Santa Gertrudis, to help recreate that photograph.
The 75 co-sponsors plus the bill’s author would provide enough votes to pass Gov. Abbott’s top priority measure in the 150-seat House.
Nearly 500 high school and middle school students from 25 regional school districts competed in the annual Design Competition last Friday morning at Kingsville’s J.K. Northway Exposition Center.
Accreditation was awarded Feb. 18 and will be good for four years when they reapply Feb. 18, 2029.
South Texas College in McAllen launched one of the first registered nursing apprenticeships in the country as area hospitals expect the need for nurses to increase.
Del Mar College holds grand opening for renovated Memorial Classroom Building and unveiling of Texas Historical Commission marker.
U.S. News and World Report has released their rankings for online MBA programs and the College of Business Administration at Texas A&M University-Kingsville.
More than two dozen Texas Democrats expressed concern about the elimination of a federal policy preventing immigration arrests at schools.
After the state missed the Jan. 1 deadline, lawmakers still have time to approve administrative costs before applying for $400 million in federal summer meal assistance.
In addition to co-anchoring the top-rated newscast in the Coastal Bend, Treviño has also served as host of Domingo Live, the longest-running bilingual news and entertainment show in the nation.