USDA Appoints New Members to Food Safety Advisory Committee

USDA Appoints New Members to Food Safety Advisory Committee


United States Department of Agriculutre

WASHINGTON D.C. (News Release) - The USDA announced the appointment of 13 new members and 17 returning members to the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF). NACMCF provides scientific advice to federal agencies to use in developing integrated food safety systems from farm to table and to ensure food safety in domestic and imported foods.

Members of the committee are chosen based on their expertise in microbiology, risk assessment, epidemiology, public health, food science, and other relevant disciplines. One individual affiliated with a consumer group is included in the membership of the committee to serve in a representational capacity.

The activities of NACMCF are carried out, in part, by subcommittees that are focused on specific areas being considered by the full committee. NACMCF has made important contributions to a broad range of critical food safety issues. The committee reports provide current information and scientific advice to federal food safety agencies and serve as a foundation for regulations and programs aimed at reducing foodborne disease and enhancing public health. Federal food safety agencies involved with NACMCF are FSIS, FDA, CDC, Department of Commerce National Marine Fisheries Service, and Department of Defense Veterinary Services.


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