Picked to lead HUD, the former Texas House member tells senators there is a housing crisis. Democrats question whether any plans will succeed without more spending.
All tagged housing
Picked to lead HUD, the former Texas House member tells senators there is a housing crisis. Democrats question whether any plans will succeed without more spending.
A likely fight over how much power to take away from local governments may dominate the debate.
Here are a few tips to help you understand what the recent voter-approved tax cuts mean for your mortgage.
Housing advocates see empty office space as a potential way to help solve the nation’s housing woes.
A new Harvard University study found a surge in the number of Texas households headed by people 65 or older spending more than 30% of their income on housing.
On Thursday, the House State Affairs Committee held a hearing to discuss the Liberty County subdivision without considering any specific legislation.
And when it came to a crucial vote this week, Democrats — who represent the state’s biggest urban areas, where home prices and rents are highest — accounted for most of the opposition.
Local governments in Texas have spent the summer preparing their budgets for next year, wrestling with inflation and a law that prohibits them from raising property tax revenues beyond 3.5% without voter approval.
Landlords in Texas don’t have to accept renters who receive federal housing assistance.
Texas school districts, cities and counties rely heavily on property taxes to pay for roads, libraries, police, firefighters and public schools.
Evictions in major Texas cities have reached levels not seen since the pandemic began.
The focus of the event is to provide working or recently out of work families immediate access to resources that support housing stability.
During National Community Development Week, the Grant Monitoring Division will continue working on a series of projects that will help the community of Corpus Christi continue to grow.
Housing advocates believe more landlords will start turning out tenants.
A year and a half after Austin lifted a local ban on camping in public, some officials want to buy hotels for housing homeless residents.
The FishPond at Corpus Christi units will be affordable to seniors with incomes at or below 60 percent of the area median income.