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Road Closures for the Week of August 6 - 13, 2021

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City of Corpus Christi

CORPUS CHRISTI (News Release) - The Weekly Road Closures includes locations of road construction and events where lane and street closures affect traffic flow along the City’s major streets and lanes. All closures are subject to change due to weather, emergency work, or other circumstances. More information on City Projects can be found online at

Work zone safety is a priority. Motorists are advised to slow down, follow posted speed limits, pay attention, watch out for workers, obey signs and flaggers and allow additional travel time for delays. The road closures for this coming week are as follows:


Airline Road – South Padre Island Drive to McArdle Road (Bond 2018)

During Phase 2 of the Airline Road project, between South Padre Island Drive and McArdle Road, traffic is shifted to the west side of the roadway (southbound lanes) along Airline Road. Traffic is reduced to one lane, in each direction, within the construction limits.

During this phase, the following traffic changes and lane closures are implemented:

  • Left turns are restricted from Airline Road (southbound) onto McArdle Road (westbound).

  • The right lane (northbound thru lane) will be closed at the intersection of Airline Road and South Padre Island Drive (SPID). Thru traffic will be merged into a single lane. The left-turn lane and right-turn lane at the SPID intersection will remain open.

  • The left lane (southbound thru lane) will be closed at the intersection of Airline Road and McArdle Road. Thru traffic will be merged into the right lane. The left-turn lane and the free-right-turn at the McArdle Road intersection will remain open.

  • The right lane along McArdle Road (eastbound direction) will be closed at the intersection of Airline Road and McArdle Road. Thru traffic will be merged into a single lane. The left-turn lane will remain open.

  • The shared left/thru lane along the South Padre Island Drive frontage road (eastbound direction) will be closed at the intersection of Airline Road. Thru traffic will be merged into the shared thru/right lane.

  • Driveway openings are provided for business access within the project limits. Access is limited to right-in/right-out only.

  • Sidewalks will be closed along the west side of Airline Road between McArdle Road and South Padre Island Drive.

Ayers Street Pedestrian Improvement and Turn Lane – South Padre Island Drive (SPID) to Gollihar Road (Bond 2014)

During this phase, the following traffic changes and lane closures are implemented:

  • Northbound Ayers Street is closed at the Crosstown/SPID Interchange (frontage road) intersection. Thru traffic is encouraged to seek alternate routes to access businesses in the area. Ayers Street is also reduced to one lane, one-way traffic from Gollihar Road to SPID (southbound direction only).

  • Johanna Street to Crosstown/SPID Interchange (Northbound) – The outside thru lane on Ayers Street is closed approaching the Crosstown/SPID interchange. This lane closure will continue through the underpass of SPID. This closure will not impact access to the eastbound frontage road of SPID.

  • Johanna Street to Crosstown/SPID Interchange (Southbound) - The left-turn lane and median openings are closed.

  • Crosstown/SPID Interchange & Ayers Street Intersection (Northbound) – Northbound Ayers Street is CLOSED at the Crosstown/SPID Interchange intersection. Motorists must use alternate detour routes such as the SH 286 northbound frontage road, Gollihar Road, Kostoryz Road, or McArdle Road to access local businesses.

  • Crosstown/SPID Interchange to Gollihar Road – Ayers Street is reduced to one lane, one-way traffic flow in the southbound direction only. Access to all local businesses is provided.

  • Ayers Street and Gollihar Road Intersection – The outside thru lane on Ayers Street, in the southbound direction only, is closed approaching the Gollihar Road intersection.

  • SH 358 Frontage Road (Eastbound) – The shared thru left-turn lane is closed.

  • RTA bus stops are closed from Gollihar Road to SPID. Bus stops remain open at the Port Ayers Transfer Station.

Holly Road – Crosstown Expressway (SH 286) to Greenwood Drive (Bond 2012)

During Phase 1, drivers and pedestrians should expect the following traffic changes:

  • Holly Road is reduced to one lane, one-way traffic in the westbound direction (SH 286 to Greenwood Drive).

  • The southbound left-turn lane on Greenwood Drive, at the Holly Road intersection, is closed.

  • The right-turn lane, along northbound Greenwood Drive, is closed at the Holly Road intersection.

  • The eastbound thru lane, along Holly Road, is closed at the Greenwood Drive intersection.

  • Sidewalks within the construction zone are closed.

Laguna Shores Road – South Padre Island Drive to Graham Road (Bond 2018)

Laguna Shores Road, between South Padre Island Drive and Graham Road, is closed for reconstruction. Motorists are advised to use Waldron Road as an alternative route for thru traffic. Access is provided within the closed roadway segments to residences and businesses within the work zone.

Laguna Shores Road – Hustlin’ Hornet Drive to Caribbean Drive (Bond 2018)

Laguna Shores Road, between Hustlin’ Hornet Drive to Caribbean Drive, is closed for reconstruction. Motorists are advised to use Waldron Road as an alternative route for thru traffic. Access is provided within the closed roadway segments to residences and businesses within the work zone.

The following short-term closures are in place so the Contractor can perform utility work:

  • There may be short-term closures of Laguna Shores Road south of Hustlin’ Hornet Drive to perform utility work and stormwater installations. Residents on Beasley Road are advised to follow detour routes.

Laguna Shores Road – Mediterranean Drive to Wyndale Street (Bond 2018)

Laguna Shores Road, between Mediterranean Drive to Wyndale Street, is closed for reconstruction. Motorists are advised to use Waldron Road as an alternative route for thru traffic. Access is provided within the closed roadway segments to residences and businesses within the work zone.

Leopard Street – Palm Drive to Nueces Bay Boulevard (Bond 2018)

The southern part of the Battlin’ Buc Boulevard and Leopard Street intersection will be closed temporarily. The closure is needed to install new utilities within the intersection before school begins.

Travel lanes are reduced to one lane, each direction, along the westbound lanes (north side) of Leopard Street between Nueces Bay Boulevard and Battlin’ Buc Boulevard. Motorists traveling eastbound along Leopard Street are shifted to the westbound lanes (north side) at Old Robstown Road. The southern part of the Nueces Bay Boulevard and Leopard Street intersection remains closed. Nueces Bay Boulevard is also closed to thru traffic between Leopard Street and Up River Road.

Ocean Drive Rehabilitation Project – Airline Road to Louisiana Avenue

Ocean Drive is reduced to one lane, in each direction, on the west side of Ocean Drive (southbound lanes) between Airline Road and Louisiana Avenue.  Access to properties within the work zone will be maintained at all times.

Ohio Avenue – Staples Street Project (Bay Ltd.)

Ohio Avenue is closed to thru traffic between Staples Street and Swantner Drive for sanitary sewer utility construction. Access to properties within the work zone will be maintained at all times.

Park Road 22 Bridge and Channel – Whitecap Boulevard to Commodores Drive (SH 361)

Phase 1 of the Park Road 22 Bridge and Channel project is underway on the east side (northbound lanes) of Park Road 22. Motorists traveling northbound along Park Road 22 are shifted to the southbound lanes (west side) between Cruiser Street and Compass Street. Travel lanes are reduced to one lane, in each direction, along the southbound lanes (west side) between Cruiser Street and Compass Street.

Six Points Intersection - Street and Signal Improvements (Bond 2018)

During Phase 2B of the project, drivers and pedestrians should expect to see the following lane closures and traffic changes:

  • South Staples Street, in the southbound direction, will be reduced to one lane from Booty Street to South Alameda Street. Thru traffic will be shifted to the northside of South Staples Street (northbound lanes) between South Alameda Street and the Six Points Intersection. Thru traffic will remain on the northside across the Six Points intersection and will be shifted to the southside of South Alameda Street at the Palmero Street intersection.

  • South Alameda Street will be closed from the Six Points intersection to Palmero Street, in the southbound direction only.

  • South Alameda Street will be reduced to one lane from Clifford Street to the Six Points intersection, in the northbound direction only.

  • The “Right Only” travel lane between South Alameda Street and the Six Point Intersection, will be reopened to allow right turns onto Ayers Street.

  • South Staples Street will be closed from the Six Points intersection to 10th Street, in the southbound direction only.

  • South Staples Street will be reduced to one lane between 10th Street and the Six Points intersection, in the northbound direction only.

  • 10th Street, between Ayers Street and South Staples Street, has been reconstructed, and traffic will flow has been changed to ONE-WAY in the southbound direction (Ayers Street to South Staples Street).

  • Ayers Street will be closed to thru traffic between 10th Street and the Six Points intersection, in the eastbound direction only.

  • The “Left Turn Only” lane along westbound Ayers Street will be closed at the Six Points intersection.

  • Sidewalks will be closed within the work zone.

On Thursday, August 12, the Contractor will begin Phase 3 of the project. Drivers and pedestrians should expect to see the following changes:

  • South Staples Street, in the southbound direction, will be reduced to one lane from Booty Street to South Alameda Street. Thru traffic will be shifted to the northside of South Staples Street (northbound lanes) between South Alameda Street and the Six Points Intersection. Southbound thru traffic will remain on the northside up to the Six Points intersection. Southbound traffic will be able to continue either on South Staples Street or South Alameda Street.

  • Ayers Street will be closed to thru traffic between the Six Points intersection and 10th Street, in the westbound direction only.

  • South Alameda Street will be reduced to one lane from Palmero Street to the Six Points intersection, in the northbound direction only.

  • 10th Street, between Ayers Street and South Staples Street, has been reconstructed, and traffic will flow has been changed to ONE-WAY in the southbound direction (Ayers Street to South Staples Street).

  • Sidewalks will be closed within the work zone.

Staples Street – Baldwin Boulevard to Kostoryz Road (Bond 2018)

During Phase 1 of construction on Staples Street, between Baldwin Boulevard and Kostoryz Road, drivers and pedestrians should expect the following traffic changes:

  • The northbound lanes and center turn lane (east side) of Staples Street, between Baldwin Boulevard and Kostoryz Road, will be closed for construction. Traffic will be shifted to the west side of Staples Street (southbound lanes) and reduced to one lane in each direction.

  • Traffic along northbound Staples Street will be shifted to the west side (southbound lanes) of the roadway approaching the Kostoryz Road intersection.

  • The inside left-turn lane will be closed along Kostoryz Road at the Staples Street intersection.

  • The intersection of Louisiana Avenue and Kosar Street with Staples Street, on the east side, is closed to install storm water utilities.

  • Sidewalks will be closed on the east side of Staples Street, within the construction zone.

Swantner Drive – Indiana Avenue to Texan Trail (Bond 2018)

Swantner Drive is closed to thru traffic between Indiana Avenue and Ralston Avenue for reconstruction. Chamberlain Drive is also closed between Reid Drive and Swantner Drive. Access to local residents is provided.


Cimarron Boulevard – Sun George Contracting

The Contractor for a private development will be installing a manhole and sewer service line at 3802 Cimarron Boulevard. During phase 1 construction, traffic on northbound Cimarron Boulevard will be reduced to one lane. During phase 2 construction, traffic on both northbound and southbound Cimarron Boulevard will be reduced to one lane along with the center turn lane closure. Lane closures are expected to last several weeks.

Harbor Drive - Hamman Excavating

Harbor Drive, north of Hirsch Street, is temporarily closed for reconstruction. Two-way traffic will be maintained along a short segment of Harbor Drive between Hirsch Street and the museum parking lot. The temporary closure is expected to last several months.

Leopard Street – Palm Drive to Port Avenue (AT&T)

Leopard Street between Palm Drive and Port Avenue is reduced to one lane, in each direction, along eastbound lanes (south side). The work zone is needed to adjust an existing vault and paving operations after the relocation. Lane closures along this stretch of Leopard Street are expected to last several weeks.

Mexico Street/Mestina Street - Guerra Underground Construction

Mexico Street between Leopard Street and Lipan Street is closed to replace a sanitary sewer line for the City of Corpus Christi as part of Harbor Bridge construction. Westbound Mestina Street is closed to thru traffic at Josephine Street. Local access is provided to residents. This street closure is expected to last several months.

NEW - Staples Street – Holly Road to South Padre Island Drive (AEP Texas)

American Electric Power Company, Inc. (AEP Texas) is requesting nightly lane closures to make necessary utility improvements on Staples Street. AEP Texas Contractors will begin construction on Monday, August 9. Northbound Staples Street from Holly Road to South Padre Island Drive will be reduced to one lane from 8:30 pm to 5:30 am. The Westbound inside lane and center lane on McArdle Road between Lum Street and Salem Drive will be closed from 8:30 pm to 5:30 am. The project is anticipated to last until November, weather permitting. 

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