Investments for Water Utilities Upgrades

Investments for Water Utilities Upgrades


City of Corpus Christi

Wesley Seale Dam - photo by City of Corpus Christi

Wesley Seale Dam - photo by City of Corpus Christi

CORPUS CHRISTI (News Release) – The Corpus Christi City Council approved critical services for Water Utilities. The approved items will modernize equipment at the city's O.N. Stevens Water Treatment Plant and Wesley Seale Dam at Lake Corpus Christi. Approved investments are close to $2 million.

For the O.N. Stevens Water Treatment Plant-

  • Air emission upgrades for three backup power supply generators have been approved to provide reliability during unforeseen power outages. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas will pay the city up to $322,000 for the generator's consumption cost over the course of five years.

  • Nine replacement chemical storage tanks have been approved for $253,999. The tanks will store treatment materials used to balance the water's pH for consumption and use.

  • Replacement filter media will provide municipal water the quality that is critical for public use. Replacement media will not exceed $1,508,240.00.

  • Water treatment plant renovations for filter media and storage tank replacements will begin in September 2021.

At the Wesley Seale Dam, emergency-response actuators are used to automatically open the dam's gates when conditions prevent operators from manually doing so. The new actuators will cost approximately $163,000.

“These upgrades are an important addition to ensure our city thrives with a strong foundation,” said Mayor Guajardo. “Investments we approved will have a positive impact on our public water system and the city’s health for years to come.”

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