End DV Task Force named one of the Best Rural Justice Projects in the Nation
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KINGSVILLE, TEXAS (News Release) - The Rural Justice Collaborative (RJC) Advisory Council has selected The End Domestic Violence Task Force in Kingsville, Texas as one of six new Rural Justice Innovation Sites.
These are the country’s most innovative rural justice programs which will serve as models for other communities. The RJC initiative will provide resources to enable other communities to replicate these Innovation Sites’ successes.
“Rural community leaders often don’t have the resources to develop programs from scratch, but we know that many rural justice leaders, like those from The End Domestic Violence Task Force, have found innovative solutions to their complex problems. Before this, there has been no nationally concerted effort for justice leaders and their collaborators in other sectors to share what they know. The Innovation Sites provide a framework that others can build from,” said Tara Kunkel, Executive Director of Rulo Strategies, which organized the RJC in partnership with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC).
From left to right. Orvalle Ballard, Mary Ann Ballard, Kathy Kimball, Ella Zavala-McMahan, Jennifer Radcliffe-Jones, Brigette 0’Reilly. Photo submitted by EndDV Taskforce.
The End Domestic Violence Task Force was formed in early 2019 when the Kingsville Ministerial Alliance and other community members became aware of the need for additional services and support for not only the victims of domestic violence, but the agencies that support those individuals.
Kathy Kimball president of the End Domestic Violence Task Force says, “We are a grass-roots group. We are determined to change the attitudes and to educate our community about the warning signs of coercive control and abuse, support our local agencies, and meet any additional needs. I am excited to see the direction this group is taking. We have more ideas and plans to impact our community.”
The organization meets the fourth Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at the First Baptist Church at 312 W. King Ave. in Kingsville, Texas/
All community members are welcome to attend. Learn more at their Facebook page: endDVtaskforce.