Counterfeit $20.00 And $50.00 Dollar Bills Floating Around In The Community

Counterfeit $20.00 And $50.00 Dollar Bills Floating Around In The Community

The top $20.00 is the counterfeit.

The top $20.00 is the counterfeit.

The Office of Oscar Mendoza JR. Nueces Constable Precinct Five

NUECES COUNTY - (News Release) Please be aware that there are several counterfeit $20.00 and $50.00 dollar bills floating around in the community and being passed as change by businesses or being used to purchase by citizens at local businesses in the community.

If you happen to receive one of these counterfeit bills and later you pass it at a business, chances of you being out that money are high if the counterfeit bill is caught by the cashier or business employee.

Please take a few seconds to look at your bills closely when you receive change or cashing payroll checks.

These counterfeit bills all have the same serial numbers.

$20.00’s # PK06245921B

$50.00’s # MF34890259A

Also look for the details on the president’s faces. The counterfeit bills have poor detail and look darker.

Look for the crisp details on the letters and seals also. If you find a counterfeit bill, please notify local police.

It’s is a crime to pass any counterfeit currency knowingly and intentionally.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call our office.

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