2022 National Fire Prevention Week

2022 National Fire Prevention Week


City of Corpus Christi

CORPUS CHRISTI (News Release) – The Corpus Christi Fire Department and the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) join forces again for the 100th year of National Fire Prevention Week, which begins October 9 and runs through October 15. The 2022 campaign theme, “Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape,” highlights the importance of having a home escape plan if a fire breaks out in your home. Everyone needs to know what to do and where to go.

According to the NFPA, only one of every three American households has developed and practiced a home fire escape plan. While 71% of Americans have escape plans, only 47% have practiced them.

“Every second counts in a fire emergency; planning and practicing your escape may be the difference between life and death,” said Randy Paige, Fire Marshal, Corpus Christi Fire Department.

The CCFD offers these safety tips, including:  

  • Make a home escape plan by drawing a map of your home showing all doors and windows, then discuss the plan with everyone in your household

  • Know at least two ways out of every room

  • Make sure all doors and windows leading outside open easily

  • Have an outside meeting place (like a tree, light pole, or mailbox) a safe distance from the home where everyone should meet

  • Practice your home fire drill at night and during the day with everyone in your home twice a year

  • Practice different escape routes

  • Teach children how to escape on their own if you cannot help them

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