There will be a kickoff event for the community and volunteers from 8:00-8:45am at The Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation, 2882 Holly Road, Corpus Christi, Tx 78415. Community members will pick up their shirts, materials, and grab breakfast before going out to the different parks to help clean up. For additional information on how to get involved, contact Jonathan Martinez at 361-814-2001 or
Together with coalition members, community youth groups, and volunteers, Project H.O.P.E will be hosting a community cleanup event, Saturday April 6, 202, from 9:30-11:30am. The efforts of collecting cigarette butts, vape pens, and other trash/litter, the coalition is hoping to show the City of Corpus Christi a need for a city ordinance, Prohibiting Smoking in Parks! Vape pens can leak and release metals, battery acid and nicotine into the environment. Tobacco and nicotine waste can contaminate water and animal habitats, making them unsafe for their inhabitants