14 States File with U.S. Supreme Court About the Costs of Illegal Immigration

14 States File with U.S. Supreme Court About the Costs of Illegal Immigration


Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General 

AUSTIN (News Release) – Attorney General Paxton is leading a 14-state coalition that has filed a cert-stage brief in the U.S. Supreme Court after the Biden Administration took unprecedented action to quietly abolish a federal immigration rule designed to protect American taxpayers. The rule in question, known as the “public-charge rule,” prohibits the entry of illegal aliens who are likely to become significant financial burdens on American citizens. The brief was filed after the Chicago-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled against a Texas-led coalition.

“With America in the midst of a recession and families across the country already facing record-high inflation, it’s completely reprehensible to expect taxpayers to foot the bill for hundreds of millions of dollars to sponsor more and more illegal aliens,” said Attorney General Paxton. “But that’s exactly what Joe Biden and his entire administration have done by getting rid of the public-charge rule. I sincerely hope the Supreme Court decides to reexamine this case, because the Biden Administration’s actions have left Texas vulnerable, and our citizens deserve better.”

To read the full brief, click here.

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