Unaccompanied Child Found

Unaccompanied Child Found


U.S. Customs and Border Protection

RIO GRANDE CITY (News Release) – Rio Grande City Border Patrol Station (RGC) agents encountered an unaccompanied two-year-old child within a group of migrants illegally present in the United States near Roma, Texas.

Recently, RGC agents encountered a group of migrants walking in the brush west of Roma, Texas.  As agents conducted immigration inspections on all members of the group, they noticed that the adults were distancing themselves from a small child.  No one in the group claimed knowledge or having a familial relationship with the child. The child's clothing had telephone numbers and names written all over.  Agents utilized Mobile Intake capabilities out in the field to reference the information written on the child's clothing and identified family members.  The child and information obtained by the agents will be turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement for future reunification.

"Extremely proud of our Border Patrol agents and their resourcefulness out in the field. Our Border Patrol Agents not only encountered a group, but utilized cutting edge technology to assist an unaccompanied child to have him rejoined with his family,” said Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez.

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