Smuggling Attempt Foiled at Airport

Smuggling Attempt Foiled at Airport


U.S. Customs and Border Protection

HARLINGEN (News Release) – Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents alongside Harlingen Police Department stopped an attempt to smuggle four illegal migrants in an airplane.  

On May 25, Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol Intelligence agents responded to suspicious activity at Gulf Aviation at the Valley International Airport. With the assistance of the Harlingen Police Department, law enforcement personnel approached the aircraft and interrupted a human smuggling event including two pilots and four illegal migrants determined to be in the United States illegally. The four illegal migrants were from the countries of Guatemala and Honduras. All subjects were placed under arrest. Harlingen Police Department seized the aircraft for its involvement in human smuggling.  

“Great work to all involved,” said Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez, “This particular case highlights the importance of our law enforcement partnerships, especially intercepting unconventional smuggling methods.” 

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