“Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront” Starting Again

“Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront” Starting Again

Press Release

CORPUS CHRISTI – The “Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront” 5K events will continue throughout January. The 5K starts at 7:00 a.m. at The Water’s Edge and is limited to 200 participants.

All runners who complete 3 out of 4 Safe Fun Fit 5k/10k races for the month of January will receive a Safe Fun-Fit Run Series Challenge medal.

The Fitness Lane route begins along the seawall at The Water’s Edge, northbound, towards the American Bank Center with the turnaround just before the barge dock entrance. Walk, jog, run, or bike along the event’s designated 1.50-mile fitness lane (one-way). Participants will be entered in a drawing for prizes. Our community partner, H-E-B is providing fruit and water for all participants.

In coordination with Victor Betancourt of VFit Productions and the City’s Parks & Recreation Department, the City will offer “Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront” exercise and wellness events for ages 8 and older, of all abilities and skill levels, on Saturdays from 7 a.m. – 11 a.m. at The Water’s Edge, 402 S. Shoreline Blvd. HIIT Camp, Zumba and Yoga will be held at the Islanders Pavilion next to the playground. The class schedule is available online.

Register Online for fitness classes and 5K at www.cctexas.com/safefunfit. Class sessions are limited to 30 participants per class. Participants are encouraged to bring their own yoga mat and water, as appropriate, for their workout.

The public is also invited to provide feedback and suggestions on “Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront” by participating on the short online survey, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5NWBLF2, open now through January 31, 2021.

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