Kleberg County Old Hospital Demolition

Kleberg County Old Hospital Demolition


By Menda Eulenfeld

KINGSVILLE - It’s the end of an era with the demolition of the Kleberg County Old Hospital.

In April 2013, City officials condemned the building, located on the 400 block of West Caesar Avenue, citing safety concerns. An environmental report found asbestos throughout the building. The presence of asbestos in the building has prevented any demolition over the past decade until this past week.

According to the January 15, 1915 issue of the Kingsville Record, the hospital opened on January 1, 1915.

The EPA Brownfield Cleanup Grant noted that several additions had been “constructed between the 1920s through the 1970’s, including a three-story wing and other additions to the north and east sides of the building. Despite the numerous expansions, the needs of the community outgrew the hospital. It was declared obsolete in 1980 and abandoned for a new, larger facility constructed on the South end of Kingsville near US 77.”

Following the closure of the hospital it was used as a storage facility, which came to an end in 2012.

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