Heat-Related Dangers

Heat-Related Dangers


U.S. Customs and Border Protection

MARFA (News Release) – U.S. Border Patrol Big Bend Sector is warning people during this extreme heat wave not to cross the border illegally into the desert and mountains of West Texas.

Every year the U.S. Border Patrol, specifically the Southwest border sectors, encounter the remains of numerous migrants who die due to heat-related injuries. The death of any human being is tragic and Big Bend Sector would like to warn people of this danger in an attempt to preserve human life.

So far in Fiscal Year 2023, Big Bend has recorded 63 rescues. The rescues include rescue beacon activations and 911 calls from migrants in distress. Unfortunately, Big Bend Sector has also discovered five deceased illegal migrants this fiscal year.

Illegal migrants are risking their lives crossing this rugged terrain in inclement weather. To reduce the number of deaths, Big Bend Sector is encouraging people not to cross the border into the United States illegally.

“Extreme heat has the potential to be deadly and kills more people than any other weather event,” said Big Bend Sector Chief Patrol Agent Sean L. McGoffin. “Please reconsider and do not cross the border illegally during these extreme heat conditions.  It is simply not worth the risk of your life.”

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