Free Tax Services at Del Mar College
Del Mar College
CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS (News Release) - It’s time to file income taxes, again. And, while the main deadline may be less than three months away, many individuals are ready to take care of business now. For many Coastal Bend filers, trying to make sense of the different forms or changes can be a struggle. Furthermore, paying for an accountant to prepare returns may not be part of the budget.
However, Del Mar College Accounting students trained in tax and accounting software hope to make the tax season a little less stressful for area filers as they provide FREE services through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program, which starts Tuesday, Jan. 28.
“Del Mar College’s students are trained in tax law and tax preparation as well as use a tax program provided to the college by the Internal Revenue Service,” says Adelfino Palacios, Jr., CPA and DMC Accounting Professor who oversees the VITA Program offered at the college. “Our students benefit from this program through real-world experience while handling tax returns for individuals who take advantage of these free services, and they learn how to prepare and file a tax return electronically.”
As a nationwide program established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the VITA Program involves volunteers who prepare tax returns free for individuals who make $67,000 per year or less.
The free income tax preparation with the college’s IRS-trained tax volunteers is available every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 6 p.m. starting tomorrow, Jan. 28, in Room 142 of Viking Hall on the DMC Heritage Campus, 101 Baldwin Blvd. (78404), get online directions and campus map. Appointments are not necessary, so walk-ins are welcome. Volunteers will answer questions when participants come in.
The free VITA Program services run through Tuesday, April 15, but they will not be available during DMC’s Spring Break, which is March 10-15.
Filers need to bring tax information, including their W-2 form, other documentation of earned income, Social Security cards for everyone being claimed on the return and a form of identification, such as a Driver’s License or other photo I.D.
Services are provided as part of the Coastal Bend VITA Coalition, a collaborative partnership headed by the United Way of the Coastal Bend. For more details, visit
Del Mar College has been one of several local organizations involved with the VITA Program to provide tax return preparation services to lower income households for nearly 25 years. At the end of the tax season, the IRS recognizes volunteers––including Del Mar College students–– with a certificate for their involvement and hard work.