Cocaine Seizure had Candy Wrapping

Cocaine Seizure had Candy Wrapping


U.S. Customs and Border Protection

EDINBURG (News Release) – Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol (RGV) agents interdicted three narcotic smuggling events in two days, resulting in four arrests.

On December 13, RGV agents working with Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers observed a vehicle in Mission suspected of migrant smuggling. A DPS trooper conducted a vehicle stop and agents conducted an immigration inspection on the driver, who was found to be in the country illegally. Agents discovered 73 grams of cocaine in the vehicle, some of which was concealed in candy wrappers. DPS seized the narcotics and took custody of the driver and passenger to face state charges.

The same day, Brownsville Border Patrol Station (BRP) agents observed three vehicles congregating near the river and initiated an investigation. The three vehicles departed in different directions and agents conducted stops on all three vehicles. One of the vehicles was a suspected of being a load vehicle for narcotics, prompting a search of the area. Agents located a red sandal and seized six bundles of marijuana from the brush where the three vehicles had originally been observed. The driver of the suspected load vehicle, who was wearing one red sandal, and the passenger were placed under arrest. They, both U.S. citizens, and the 143 pounds of marijuana were turned over to DPS to face state charges.

On December 14, a Fort Brown Border Patrol Station (FTB) agent seized over 100 pounds of marijuana after a camera operator observed subjects carrying bundles near the Rio Grande in Brownsville. FTB agents responded to the area and seized three bundles abandoned in the brush. Agents searched the surrounding area but did not locate any subjects. The marijuana is valued at more than $86,000 USD.

“I am very proud of the collaboration that exists between RGV agents and other law enforcement agencies who operate as a force multiplier when interdicting dangerous narcotics. This whole of government approach has proven to be effective in strengthening the vitality of our communities,” stated Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Gloria I. Chavez.

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