Del Rio Sector Border Patrol Agents Arrest Convicted Sex Offender

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol Agents Arrest Convicted Sex Offender

Press Release

DEL RIO, – U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to Del Rio Station arrested a convicted sex offender, Feb. 9.

“Thanks to Del Rio agents, this predator convicted of aggravated kidnapping and sexual abuse was arrested and prevented from committing more crimes in the United States,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin L. Skero II. “The agents of Del Rio Sector are laser focused on protecting our nation from all threats.”

Agents arrested Jorge Ramirez-Barrera, 34, a citizen of Mexico, shortly after he illegally entered the United States. During processing, records checks revealed that Ramirez-Barrera was convicted of aggravated kidnapping and sexual abuse in 2017, and was sentenced to 156 days of imprisonment. Ramirez-Barrera was most recently removed from the United States in 2017.

As a convicted felon, he faces a charge of 8 USC § 1326 – Re-entry After Deportation, which carries a maximum sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

To report suspicious activity call the Del Rio Sector’s toll free number at 1-866-511-8727.

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