Border Patrol Operations Result in 41 Illegal Migrant Arrests

Border Patrol Operations Result in 41 Illegal Migrant Arrests


U.S. Customs and Border Patrol

EDINBURG (News Release) – Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol (RGV) agents discovered two residences being used for human smuggling and continue to collaborate with other law enforcement departments to combat human smuggling on the highways. 

On Nov. 1, McAllen Border Patrol Station (MCS) agents patrolling Havana encountered foot sign of a small group of individuals leading away from the Rio Grande. Agents followed the sign to a residence, where they encountered a female and 14 citizens of Mexico, including three unaccompanied children. Shortly after, agents apprehended two more migrants from Mexico that were part of the group. No caretaker was identified.

Also on Nov. 1, RGV agents received information regarding a suspected human smuggling stash house located in Donna. Agents responded to the location and encountered 13 migrants. Agents identified them to be citizens of Central America and Mexico. No caretaker was identified. 

In addition, MCS agents responded to a request for assistance from La Joya Police Department officers with suspected migrants at a vehicle stop in La Joya. Agents responded and determined the five passengers were migrants from Guatemala and Honduras. La Joya police officers retained custody of the driver to face state human smuggling charges and seized the vehicle. Agents took custody of the migrants. 

Overnight, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers requested Border Patrol assistance with two vehicle stops near Linn, where the occupants fled from the vehicle. Troopers and agents encountered three migrants at each of the events, but the drivers were not located. 

Border Patrol processed all subjects accordingly.   

The public is encouraged to take a stand against crime in their communities and report suspicious activity at 800-863-9382.  


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