Additional Park Enforcement Officers at Bayshore Parks

Additional Park Enforcement Officers at Bayshore Parks

City of Corpus Christi

CORPUS CHRISTI (News Release) – An altercation in Cole Park has led City officials to take action to increase security in the community’s bayfront parks.  

At today’s business meeting, City Council approved on first reading the addition of six full-time positions to the Parks and Recreation Department for additional parks enforcement officers. This decision nearly doubles the size of the Park Enforcement Division.

The positions and the one-time purchase of their equipment will be funded through an appropriation of $432,956 from the State Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund. City Manager Peter Zanoni stated, “We, as a community, will not tolerate inappropriate behavior in our parks systems. We made a pledge to quickly address events like the recent Cole Park altercation, and today’s approved staffing makes good on that promise.”

Currently, the department has seven enforcement officers who travel between the many parks and beaches in the community. With the additional positions, the department will be able to assure the officers maintain a continuous presence in the bayfront parks. This sustained presence will allow for the department to proactively address security issues, respond to citizen concerns, and serve as ambassadors for the City of Corpus Christi. 

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