Project Veritas Uncovering Organized Election Fraud in Bexar County

Project Veritas Uncovering Organized Election Fraud in Bexar County

Press Release

AUSTIN – Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that the organized election fraud scheme exposed in today’s Project Veritas video is already under review by investigators from his Election Fraud Unit.

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“What’s shown in the video is shocking and should alarm all Texans who care about election integrity. We are aggressively investigating the serious allegations and potential crimes that Project Veritas’s documentary audio and video recordings shed light on today. My office is fiercely committed to ensuring that the voting process is secure and fair in all Texas elections—a process that this video unfortunately casts a shadow of doubt on,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Election integrity has been a top priority of mine since I first took office in 2015. Anyone who attempts to defraud the people of Texas, deprive them of their vote, or undermine the integrity of elections will be brought to justice and penalized to the fullest extent of the law.”

Individuals involved with or aware of the alleged election fraud shown in the recording are encouraged to come forward and cooperate with the Office of the Attorney General.

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