Nueces County ESD #3’s in-house conversion adds new role to excess military truck

Nueces County ESD #3’s in-house conversion adds new role to excess military truck

Press Release

BISHOP, Texas – Nueces County ESD #3 converted an excess military truck thanks the Department of Defense Firefighter Property Program and a grant for a slip-on unit through the Rural Volunteer Fire Department Assistance Program, both administered by Texas A&M Forest Service.

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“Our department did all of the work to complete the conversion of this truck,” said Nueces County ESD #3 Fire Chief John Davis. “One of the stipulations was that it had to be painted a nonmilitary color so we painted it and did all of the welding to get it service ready.”

The Stewart Stevenson now has a 1,000-gallon water tank and a 10-gallon foam system, making the multipurpose truck useful in wildland interface firefighting, high water rescues and as a tanker to transport water.

“We configured the slip-on unit in a T-shape to accommodate individuals during high-water rescues,” said Davis. “The department responds to a variety of calls so we are glad to have the option to add this rugged truck to our fleet.”

Nueces County ESD #3 has been serving their community since 1980 and has open enrollment for volunteers.

“We encourage any dedicated, energetic individual who wants to give back to their community to apply,” said Davis. “If interested come to any Monday night meeting at our fire station located at 205 South Pacific in Bishop at 7 p.m.

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