FAA Grants Awarded to Fund Critical Airport Projects

FAA Grants Awarded to Fund Critical Airport Projects

Press Release

CORPUS CHRISTI - Corpus Christi International Airport (CCIA) has been awarded 8.8 million dollars in federal grants for critical infrastructure and safety projects.  The money will be used to repair portions of the general aviation apron on the west side of the airport as well as to completely replace the general aviation apron on the east side.  The aprons are the concrete pathways that allow for the parking and navigation of aircraft near buildings.  The grant will also fund a portion of the commercial apron which is necessary for the safe navigation of air carriers operating at CCIA.  Also included in this grant, is money to purchase a new Aircraft Rescue Firefighting truck to replace one that is 19 years old. 

The grant money comes from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for pre-approved projects.  Normally, projects that are funded as part of the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) require a 10% local match.  This year, the FAA will also pay the local match portion, thanks to the Coronavirus Air, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which earlier this year, provided money to airports in the wake of the economic hardships that have fallen on airports due to a dramatic decline in air travel.

“These projects will help CCIA create the safest environment possible for all of our aviation customers, for the airlines, and for our employees,” said Fred Segundo, the Director of Aviation at CCIA.  “These improvements would be hard to complete without the help that we get from our federal partners.”

The AIP program is largely funded by the Aviation Trust Fund, which is made up of taxes paid by the various customers who actively use airport facilities.  The projects are slated to begin in the Fall and will be completed at various times in the coming year. 

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