Corpus Christi - City Council Approves 2 years of the $80 Million Street Maintenance Plan

Corpus Christi - City Council Approves 2 years of the $80 Million Street Maintenance Plan

Press Release


CORPUS CHRISTI – Infrastructure Management Plan (IMP) is a five-year rolling program focusing on the maintenance of the City’s streets. Corpus Christi City Council approved the first two years of the five-year plan. The additional three years of the plan will be considered by City Council in December. Programs in the IMP include Street Preventative Maintenance, Residential Street Rebuild, In-House Pavement Rehabilitation, and Concrete Restoration. From this point forward, during the annual budget process, the IMP will be presented to City Council for approval. The IMP can only be changed with City Council approval.

To review the current 2021 and 2022 IMP please visit: This website is a user-friendly interactive platform with maps provides residents continuous updates and easy access to search for specific streets that are in the IMP program.

The goal of the IMP is to provide the best possible planning and maintenance schedules for the City of Corpus Christi’s streets infrastructure. With today’s action, Public Works and Contractors will repair streets from the approved list of neighborhoods, arterial, and collector streets. This plan was developed from assessment and review of the City’s street conditions and input from Public Works public sessions in February 2020. The IMP will provide the community certainty when specific streets will be rehabilitated.

In September, Council approved nearly $80 million for street maintenance and reconstruction for FY 2021. These funds will go towards the Public Work Department’s preventative maintenance and reconstruction program. Public Works continues to improve processes to rebuild Corpus Christi roads faster. This work FY 2021 will begin in January and last approximately one year.

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