Nueces County May Allow Bars to Open

Nueces County May Allow Bars to Open

By Menda Eulenfeld - October 14, 2020

Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales will “opt-in” to allow bars to open in Nueces County.

In a press release today, Canales said that she “understand the importance of the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) minimum standard health protocols and will assist in enforcing them at reopened bars and similar establishments in the County.”

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) will announce the state’s approval if it is granted.

In the Governor’s order, businesses who do not comply with the new operation guidelines can be fined and TABC is allowed to suspend a business’s license for 30 days for a first offense, and for up to 60 days for a second offense.

The official guidance can be found at:

These new protocols are for the bars which are currently closed.

Bars or similar establishments may operate for in-person service up to 50% of the total listed occupancy inside.

There is no occupancy limit outdoors.

According to the DSHS guidelines, alcohol can only be served until 11:00 PM each day.

All employees and customers must wear a face covering wherever it is not feasible to maintain 6 feet of social distancing from another individual not in the same household, except when seated at the bar or similar establishment to eat or drink.

Bar Patrons guidance can be found at:

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