National Night Out at Bishop City Park

National Night Out at Bishop City Park

By Menda Eulenfeld, Sept. 23, 2020

The Bishop Police Department will be hosting their annual National Night Out on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. The event will be held at Bishop City Park from 6 pm - 9 pm.

The event will be set-up as a “Reverse Parade” where attendees will drive thru the parking lot to see different stations and exhibits. Sealed food, goodie bags and other souvenirs will be handed out. Along the route several opportunities will be available to take photos at various stations.

Vehicles are asked to line up on South Birch Street near the entrance to the park.

According to the National Night Out website, the event started in August of 1984 through a network of law enforcement agencies and neighborhood watch groups. “The first annual National Night Out involved 2.5 million neighbors across 400 communities in 23 states.”

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