The June 22 executive order for wearing a face mask in Kleberg County will be extended for 30 days. The order will continue until July 29, 2020 unless extended, modified or terminated early by Kleberg County Judge Rudy Madrid.
Kleberg County Judge Rudy Madrid made an executive order at the Kleberg County Commissioner meeting on Monday June 22 that will require all patrons of businesses operating in Kleberg County to wear a face mask. The 10 day order will take place from 11:59 pm tonight and lasting until July 2.
Video of Kleberg County Judge Rudy Madrid requiring patrons of businesses operating in Kleberg County to wear a face mask.
Madrid, “ We got a pandemic that is affecting our municipality, our first responders, our grocery stores, our military base, our university, our surrounding counties, and I’m not going to require you guys to wear masks to go into HEB or Wal-mart? Come on now.”
“I’ve got to do what is best for this community. The community of Kingsville and Kleberg county put us here to make hard decisions.”
“If the public is upset because I’m trying to put their safety first and I’m requiring them to put a mask on to go into a convenience store or HEB, don’t blame any one of these commissioners. Blame me.”
“We are not here to inconvenience anyone.”