Student Engagement and Campus Life (SECL) at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK) is hosting the second Screamin’ Javelina Music Festival featuring bands from the local area, Houston, San Antonio and New Braunfels. The inaugural event was created last year to establish a new on-campus Spring tradition. Additionally, the festival is a student-run initiative that also serves as a leadership development and performance opportunity for TAMUK students.
The event is for TAMUK students and the community. Children and families are welcome to join during the earlier parts of the concert. Students get in free with wristbands, while members of the community can purchase tickets for $10 at Children 5 years old and under get in free.
Concession stands at Javelina Stadium will be open and food trucks will be on hand to provide food and drinks. The concession stand will offer canned beer. No outside coolers, water bottles, food or pets are permitted. Empty, reusable water bottles, sunscreen, blankets and towels to sit on will be allowed in.
WHO: Student Engagement and Campus Life (SECL) at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK)
WHEN: March 29, 2-10 p.m.
WHERE: Pepsi Field at Javelina Stadium (side practice field)
Whapö JadaRenee Miro
Alorian Ethan Michael Ysabella Acosta
AO Dre Grupo VKRO Any Color You Like
Hill Country Revival The Red Eye Junipers Identity Crisis
Brisbane Los De La T Violetta
Zak Rosenbaum