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Stolen Truck Used To Smuggle Illegal Migrants in Riviera

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U.S. Customs and Border Protection

RIVIERA (News Release) the evening of Sept. 14, Kingsville Border Patrol Station agents encountered a suspicious white GMC pickup truck with its lights off, on the side of U.S. Highway 77 near Riviera. Moments later, agents encountered the same vehicle on the road and initiated a vehicle stop. The driver failed to yield, leading agents on a vehicle pursuit. During the pursuit, a grey Chevrolet pickup truck overtook the agent’s vehicle, slowed down directly in front of the Border Patrol vehicle in attempts to impede agents, allow the white truck to distance itself. Both trucks drove off road into an open field and came to a stop. Multiple subjects “bailed out” and fled into the brush from both vehicles. Additional backup units arrived to assist. Nine migrants were taken into Border Patrol custody, however the drivers were not located. The pickup trucks had fictious Texas paper tags, one of them was reported stolen out of Houston. Kleberg County deputies took custody of the two vehicles.

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